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Civil Appeal



No matter what state you are in, facing an appellate process is always frustrating and exhausting. You will feel those emotions even stronger after continuous court proceedings. Appeal cases and civil litigation cases are quite different. To go through the extended appeal process in New York State, you should hire a skilled civil appeals attorney. During all of the proceedings, you will need an appeal advocate who deeply understands state legal nuances as well as federal law and is able to prove a mistaken sentence of the trial court.

Seasoned New York appellate attorneys at the Law Office of Yelena Sharova P.C. have long years of experience in helping their clients (both business owners and individuals) in their appeal cases and immense knowledge about how to win these appellate issues.

If you are not pleased with the result of the trial, you have a legal time period to file a special appellate note. If you want to start an appellate process, it is necessary for you to contact your legal counsel without wasting any time. At the Law Office of Yelena Sharova P.C., our civil appeal lawyers are ready to offer you help immediately.

There are many different issues that are comprised of civil appeal lawyers. In fact, each appeal case that is not a criminal case appeal is automatically considered as a civil appeal. After the ruling in the court of family law area, business litigation, malpractice, transaction disputes, or any other civil law branch, if the litigant is not satisfied with the outcome, he or she can easily appeal.

Civil appealing processes have a lot in common with criminal appealing. After writing down a special civil appellate note, there is also some time when the appellate court should review it to make a decision about the ability of appeal.

When an appeal record is completely ready, your civil appeals lawyer needs to check it, making sure no errors were made. Then the appellate attorney researches to prepare a specific appellate brief. There are thousands of specific rules according to which it should be filed, so you should choose a lawyer who knows exactly how to help you through the whole appellate process. Our top New York civil appeals attorneys will explain to you all of the circumstances of the future appeal process and if necessary, file a brief appeal on your behalf.


The experience of our appellate lawyers goes into areas such as practicing a commercial appeal after a long and arduous business litigation. They also go into property law, intellectual law, and business law. The civil appeal attorneys at Sharova P.C. have strong analytical skills to determine if one should appeal a civil case.

The attorneys at Sharova P.C. are ready to meet any pursuit of an appeal immediately following a trial that may have been met with an unfavorable decision. Sometimes a client may not feel satisfied with the trial attorney they had and will seek new legal representation when going to file their civil appeal. This is normal and fundamentally a strong move on the client’s behalf if they feel their current counsel may not be up to the task or there is some sort of communication barrier that does not seem likely to be overcome.

Court decision appealing is a complex issue, that is why it is better to get someone who can work both with federal and state appeal law. Successful appeal strategy includes not only a good understanding of all details and issues of your case but as well all complications of appellate procedures.

In most cases, it is possibly for our civil appeal lawyers of the Law Office of Yelena Sharova P.C. to prove that your case was misinterpreted by the court. If there are any legal mistakes found, they will be changed in your favor.


Court proceedings depend on facts. Appellate processes depend on the law. The failure or success of your civil appeal issue is determined by if there were any errors or misunderstandings in the trial court decision process.

Both state and federal appeals proceedings work in such legal matters, such as will or trust contest, business and real estate legal disputes, personal injury cases, and many other. You should realize that stakes in civil appellate situations can be extremely high. Sometimes it can take long months for evidence to be prepared for the court hearings, so your civil appeals attorney has to be able to work heavily.

When a legal mistake is found, Law Office of Yelena Sharova P.C. offers strong court vindication in your civil case. A lot of final judgments are appealed because of the damage awards size. Sometimes after winning the appeal case by one of the sides, another one may file a cross-appeal.


The importance of your personal case was high enough for a court to review it. That means it is also high enough for a competent civil appeals attorney to handle it. Contact the Law Office of Yelena Sharova P.C. if you want to talk with our New York appeals lawyer about possible options in your case.

Our law professionals will check the transcripts of your case to prepare the best appeal strategy for you. We will also do all the necessary paperwork for you, including writing a final appeal note to the court.

To assure you have everything you need to appeal in time, your actions need to be prompt and resolute. If after the trial you have even the smallest feeling it was not fair, do not waste precious time and straightly contact the Law Office of Yelena Sharova P.C. to let us start civil appealing proceedings. With our New York appeal attorneys, you can be sure your rights are safe and a court is righteous.

The New York appellate lawyers at the Law Office of Yelena Sharova P.C. handle civil appeals determined in federal court by the District of New York. Whenever the stakes are high in a complex civil matter and things go to trial, it is important to have a superior litigation firm with experience in the civil appeals process.

The attorneys at Sharova P.C. have strong qualities in explaining the process of how to file an appeal in civil court to their clients, which runs with their chief strategy of client satisfaction. They also have the required writing skills that are necessary when crafting a persuasive civil appeal and possess the in-depth knowledge of the appropriate procedures necessary to be successful in a Court.